In some cases there is a necissity to display a web page on the players. Currently a page that has static elements can be displayed on Windows, Linux and Android platforms.
Now, the index.html file should be edited for which we suggest the SublimeText or Notepad ++ programs.
Both are open source text editors and allow installation on computers with Windows or Linux operating systems.
You can download either one at the following links:
To install Sublime on Linux run the following commands in the terminal::
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text
When editing the file in one of the two softwares mentioned above, locate the part of the code shown in the following image.
Replace the information with the URL of the page you want to display. Note that here in this field it is possible to place URLs of some streaming.
Add this content to your account
This file (index.html) should be added as normal content to your account.
How to Add Contents to 4YouSee Manager
Duration: Indicates for how long the content will be shown in the player. For most video formats this option is automatically checked. In this case, the duration of the video is defined when it is added. In the cases of contents with .zip and .html extension where it is not possible to obtain the duration automatically, you must define the duration time.
In case you have any doubts, after completing the process, contact our service center trough [email protected]