
Subplaylits are a type of playlist used to facilitate the assembly of the programming of a player.

A playlist can contain almost all the items of a playlist: Content (Videos), News, carrossel, layout. And a single execution of subplaylists. A subplaylist cannot have another subplaylist within it.

Once the Playlist programming sequence begins and it enters the subplaylist, it will play in its own order and when finished the playlist sequence will continue. See an example in the following animation.

Subplaylists are created in the same way as a playlist is created, so when saving, you choose what will be a subplaylist.

Within the Playlist to Add a subplaylist click on the button   from  the list according to the next options:

subplaylist adding.png

  1. Search: Name of the subplaylist you want to add.
  2. Subplaylist table: Show all created subplaylists.
  3. Quantity: Number of times you want to have the subplaylist within the playlist.
  4. Distribution: You have 3 options to position the subplaylist within the playlist can be at the beginning, at the end or automatically distributed.

If you have any questions about what a subplaylist means and how to use them, we recommend that you write to us at the email [email protected]

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