How to Associate/Add Content to my Playlists

You can add any type of content to your playlist, such as:

  • Content (Videos, HTML5, Images, Streaming, Music).
  • News.
  • Carousels.
  • Layouts.
  • Subplaylists.
  • Videowalls (Only works on Windows)

Thus, it is necessary to access the playlist and when you have entered it, take into account the instructions below on how to add each one of this type of content.


Adding Content to the Playlist

To add content to a playlist click on the add content button  in the window of your playlist. Then you will see a screen similar to this.

content add.png 

On the screen where the content is added you will have some facilitators: At this moment, the latest content recently added to 4Yousee Manager appears. On the other hand, you can also search by content name (1), or filter by categories (2).

After locating the content you want to add and include in the playlist, double-click on it. Then you will see it at the bottom in the "Contents to be inserted in the playlist" area (Double Click to remove).

After the content is located in this area, select the number of times you want it to be added in the playlist (3).

You can select more than one content in the playlist, repeating this process.

After having defined all the contents that must be added, choose the way they are going to be distributed in the playlist (4): Automatically distribute, Include the contents at the beginning of the playlist or at the end. After this click on the Apply button (5).

After you have added the content, you will again see the Add content to the playlist screen and, in turn, the options to add another type of content.

In order for the contents to be effectively added to the playlist, and the player to download them, you must SAVE your playlist.


Add News to the Playlist

To add news click on the button , in your playlist window and then you will see an image similar to this:

Select the amount of news you want to include and the way you want to distribute it: Distribute automatically, include them all at the beginning or at the end of the playlist.

Note: In the playlists, the news to add is not established, but the quantity of these, if you want to choose the news that will be shown in the playlist, you must first assign it to the player. We recommend you see this article Link RSS Feeds to a Player

Then click on "Save" to add this amount of news to the playlist. In order for the news to be effectively added to the playlist, you must later save this playlist. 

Observation: In the inclusion of news in the playlist, it is not defined which news are shown in the player. At this time the positions of the news in the playlist are hardly defined. To define which news will be shown you must associate the news with the players and the order of this depends on the weight of the source.


Add Carousel to Playlist

To add a Carousel, click on the Carousel button, located in this playlist modification area. Then you will see an image similar to this:

Then you can define the carousel that will be added by search by name, in the search field, or by navigating in the tree and clicking on the category name.

After defining which carousel will be included, select the number of times you want it to appear in your playlist and its respective form of distribution: Distribute it automatically, include them all at the beginning or at the end of the playlist.

Then click on the "Save" button to add the carousels to the playlist. For carousels to be effectively added to the playlist, you must later save this playlist.

In case you need more information about how carousels work in a playlist, access the article Categories.


Add Layout to the Playlist

To add a Layout click on the button Layout, and then see an image like the following:

Digite en el campo de búsqueda el nombre del layout y selecciónelo de la lista que le será mostrada. Establezca la cantidad de layouts que desee agregar y cual será su distribución; si esta deba ser automáticamente, al incio del playlist, o al final del mismo.

El layout debe estar ubicado antes de los contenidos, para que estos tomen el formato del layout que acaba de agregar. como lo muestra la siguiente imagen, donde se ejemplifica con 2 layouts.


Now click on the save button, to finish adding the layout to the playlist. For the layout to be effectively added to the playlist, you must later save this playlist.

Observation: When a layout is executed in the playlist, the screen where the player that contains this playlist is configured, acquires the layout format that you just added. The player will continue to display the content in the layout format until another layout appears in the playlist or until the player is restarted. If the player is restarted, the content will be shown with the default layout format.


Add Subplaylist to the Playlist

To add a Layout click on the button , and then see an image like the following::

You can choose a subplaylist by entering the name in the search field and selecting it from the drop-down list that will appear. Also select the number of times you want to add this Subplaylist and what will be its distribution; if it should be automatically, at the beginning of the playlist, or at the end of it.

Now click on the "Save" button, to finish adding the Subplaylist to the playlist. In order for the Subplaylist to be effectively added to the playlist, you must later save this playlist.

In case you want to see more information about Subplaylist, access the article by  Subplaylists

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